Subplot v Subplot: Coronavirus Conspiracy Theory Wars
No place like an Uber ride to catch up on the latest COVID-19 Conspiracy Theory #safeplace
This is a true story, based on real events and people, told exactly as it went down…
The Uber driver arrived as I was just finishing the final touches on my presentation. As per usual, I hopped into the back seat, nodded a quick hello and refocussed my attention on my phone. Creating a bias-free app for ideation keeps me, like, Very Busy.
I was quite comfortable in my busyness, tapping away on my phone, when the Uber driver started talking to me. On a regular day, this is pretty rude — can’t he see I am busy tapping things into my phone? — but given the current climate, I was especially appalled. I could literally picture little colourful COVID-19 viruses swimming around in the confined airspace that I was sharing with this stranger.
“How are you” said my driver, his breath changing the current of the COVID-19 swimmers.
“Good thanks” I replied, noting as I always do, how this is the only acceptable answer in Australia. In some countries, it is considered quite showy to reply in this manner, with a more standard response being a rundown of your top 3 ailments.