Getting Through a Crisis with the 2+2+2 Method
A trusted six week week strategy to lift yourself out of a crisis pit, in readiness for forward motion
The view from the center of a crisis always looks warped. Whether the crisis is one of the standard flavours of mid-life meltdown, or an emergent new type that will arise from ambient uncertainty and fear caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, it is hard to imagine not being in that dark phase when you are there.
I have learned over and over again that action trumps thought on these occasions. If you are at the bottom of your own happiness curve, challenge yourself to do nothing more than the 2+2+2 Method. The method is simple, achievable, and works in every case. It will change the energy and momentum in your life and help you to get unstuck.
When I broke up with my first wife, the mother of my three children, it was a dark and harrowing time. The inability to see my children on a daily basis, and the sheer gut-wrenching reality that our family would never be “together” again, resulted in a long phase of doubt, dismay and sadness… There were many nights…