The One Thing Your Middle-Aged Man Must Read If You Don’t Want to Be Swapped Out

Men have a hard time talking about their feelings. What if you knew how to help your man make the second half of his life better and more relevant?

Dr Anna Harrison


The younger version of you. Photo by Kinga Cichewicz on Unsplash

Science gives men a hall pass when it comes to looking after their personal well-being. According to research, men have a hard time talking about their feelings to both men and women. In a study reported in the American Journal of Men’s Health, only 13% of male participants had a habit of talking about their emotions. This has something to do with being seen as the Alpha Male — discussing feelings undermines this position for men — which is why, to their own detriment, they don’t do it much.

Not talking about your emotions is actually excellent in the phase of life where a man is laser focussed on growing a career. And then, life catches up, causing a startled awakening around “Middle-Age”. A moment in time when men appear to find themselves bewildered. Where once they were the confident Alpha leader of the pack, they are now strangely irrelevant. Irrelevant at home, in their relationships with their children, for some, increasingly irrelevant at work. They awake to a life they don’t remember signing up for, and, because we know on good…



Dr Anna Harrison
Dr Anna Harrison

Written by Dr Anna Harrison

Australia’s foremost Consumer Interaction Specialist and ‘Brand Relationship Therapist’. Keynote Speaker | Media Commentator | Published Author

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