Digital Brand Romance: How to create lasting brand-buyer relationships

Dr Anna Harrison
3 min readApr 25, 2022

Find out what all the buzz is from New Zealand Trade and Enterprise Regional Director, Glen Murphy

Digital Brand Romance book cover and mailbox
See how high-growth brands are changing the conversion game, cultivating brand loyalty and increasing conversion rates by orders of magnitude

In 1999 I got my first real education into online commerce when the marketing lead and the technology lead of the company I was running let me know, as a side-hustle, they’d been experimenting with selling wine online. At the time, I thought it sounded like an interesting idea that would make them earn a little extra cash and would help us all to learn more about the mysteries of online commerce. The business grew rapidly, became a significant player in the industry, generated millions of dollars for its owners, and is still operating successfully 22 years later.

Why is that story relevant to Digital Brand Romance? Because in 1999 I can remember the most significant learning from my colleagues’ wine business was that the key to success was not the technology, and it wasn’t the wine quality — the key to success was their consumer base and the extent to which they understood and exceeded their needs.

many of us… make the mistake of seeing digital commerce as something so dynamic and magical that we simply can’t keep up



Dr Anna Harrison

Australia’s foremost Consumer Interaction Specialist and ‘Brand Relationship Therapist’. Keynote Speaker | Media Commentator | Published Author